Growing smiles dentistry

Pediatric Dental Services at Growing Smiles

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Dental Fillings for Kids

Our Pediatric Dentists at Growing Smiles™ will remove the tooth decay from your child’s baby teeth depending on the involvement. The tooth structure will be filled & restored to its normal shape & size using biocompatible cement.

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Pulpectomy is as a root canal procedure done in Kids for the pulp tissue that is irreversibly infected or damages as a result of decay, caries or an injury which involves trauma.

Pulpotomy dental procedure


Pulpotomy involves the removal of a part of the pulp tissues involving any infection. Our Pediatric dentists aim at preserving the pulp tissues using a therapeutic dressing.

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Strip Crowns

Anterior Strip Crowns are used to restore broken of decayed front teeth after trauma or early childhood caries. These crowns are made of composite filling material that resemble the original tooth structure & functions.

Stainless Steel Crowns

At Growing Smiles Stainless steel crowns are used to restore the posterior teeth . Our Pediatric dentists aim to restore the health & longevity of your childs teeth using these crowns. 

Habit Breaking Appliances

Tongue thrusting and thumb sucking are very detrimental to your child’s developing teeth & dental arch as these habits push the anterior teeth forward resulting in loss of function & aesthetics.  Habit breaking appliances are specially crafted & inserted to stop these habits.

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Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are crafted & custom made by our Pediatric dentists. We at Growing Smiles aim to preserve the space after the shedding of milk teeth to allow the proper eruption of permanent teeth!

Milk Tooth Extraction

Mobile or moving milk teeth can be very painful for your child & can lead to discomfort during chewing or speaking. At Growing Smiles we can gently extract the tooth without any anesthesia (grade 3 mobility) or discomfort for your child.

Serial Extractions

Serial extractions are performed in an orderly manner. The selected milk teeth ore extracted in a predetermined treatment plan to allow the proper eruption of permanent teeth into its place.

Pediatric Orthodontic services (Braces For Kids ) at Growing Smiles

The perfect time for Orthodontic treatment (braces) for kids is between 10 to 14 years of age. It is easier for Orthodontists to move and straighten your child’s teeth while the jaws are still in the growth phase. 

Myofunctional Appliances

myofunctional appliances use the natural forces applied by your child’s muscles surrounding the the oral cavity & lips to correct crooked teeth. The apply light intermittent & consistent forces with are more advantageous than heavy forces.

Orthopedic Appliances

Dental facial orthopedics is a type of treatment that involves involves correcting the shape and size of the jaws using forces from the other facial structures. Right structural changes involving the jaws at an early age prevent overcrowding & crooked teeth in your child’s oral cavity.

Dentistry For Special Kids

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Child Friendly Ambiance For Special Kids

Growing Smiles Pediatric Dental Care Center in Whitefield has been designed keeping in mind all the needs of special kids.

Hospital Free Atmosphere

Our Pediatric dentists at Growing Smiles do not any White coats which might provoke any fear in special Kids. Our staff has been trained in hospitality to handle special kids.

Special Equipment for Special Kids

Our dental chairs have been designed & have Pediatric dental seats keeping in mind all the physical & mental needs when it comes to catering to special kids.

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Special Treatment Plans

The dental treatment plans at Growing Smiles for special kids is minimalistic & precise.

Case Records With Medical History

A precise medial history with the underlying conditions are recorded at Growing Smiles as special kids need a different approach.

Special Slots

Instant Practo Slots with minimum waiting time is allotted for special kids at Growing Smiles Pediatric Dental Care Center.

Preventive Dental Care For Kids

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Fluoride varnish is applied to prevent cavities in children. Fluoride strengthens the enamel by converting calcium hydroxyapatite crystals to calcium fluoride which is more resistant to caries & decay! It works best when followed by GC tooth mousse application at home by parents. 

Pit & Fissure Seleants

Dental sealants also called pit and fissure sealants are used in deep pits and grooves to prevent decay. They Prevent the lodgement of sweet and sticky foods on the tooth surfaces which are responsible for decay.

Scaling For Kids

Dental scaling also called as deep cleaning is done using an ultrasonic scaler tip in Kids. They remove food debris and lodgement in areas where the tooth brush cannot access thus preventing gum diseases, decay & infections.

Contact Us

Converge by UKn, No 78/2, Ground floor, Nallurahalli Main Rd, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066

+91-93193 73963


All days including holidays



All week from 10am - 8pm



let's plan your dental visit.

Book an appointment

We are open all days and have full time resident pediatric dentists and orthodontists who can cater to your dental needs. Feel free to get in touch and we would be happy to set up an appointment for you. 

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